.DAO Protocol

One ID. Any Protocal. Any Network.

The .DAO protocol is a decentralized encrypted storage network that provides cross-chain communication and value transfer for all blockchain networks and DID systems. It mainly has the following characteristics:

  • Account Compatibility: The user only needs one account to link all wallet and DIDs.

  • Multi-Layer Digital Identity: With the same User ID comes different custmisable digital entities which can be used in different scenarioes. There is no need to set up multiple accounts for different purposes.

  • Cencorship-Proof: All chats and file transfers are stored in an encrypted decentralised storage, thus protected from cencorships.

  • Commerical Readiness: Compared to IPFS and other decentralised storage systems, .DAO protocol comes with faster, safer and more stable network, making it ready for commercial use.

.DAO protocol is being developed and play stay tuned for updates.

Last updated